
C_TB1200_10 certification – SAP Business One Release 10.0

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C_TB1200_10 certification – SAP Business One Release 10.0certification exam demonstrates that the prospect retains the necessary understanding in the areas of execution, logistics, financials, and also SAP Business One support.


Contenders who accumulate this C_TB1200_10 exam certificate can operate under the direction of an professional and also skilled counselor to execute their first SAP Business One implementation assignment.



NOTE: You can also take the C_TB1200_10 questions exam at a local SAP training center, depending on your localization.



C_TB1200_10 certification - SAP Business One Release 10.0





Please see below the complete list of topics contained within the C_TB1200_10 dumps – SAP Business One Release 10.0:


The application includes a list of topics :

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Logistics (40%)> 12%

Present understanding of the company methods for deals, purchasing, warehouse managing, MRP, production, and customer assistance

.Explain how to put up logistics, CRM, and also assistance in SAP Business One. Explain the ability to complete everyday assignments for logistics. This topic area describes 40% of the C_TB1200_10 certification exam.



Financials (30%)> 12%

Present understanding of the company procedures for posting journal entries, expenses, reconciliations, designated assets, cost analysis, and economic and also calculation reports. Explain how to put up financials, including G/L fund defaults, the graph of accounts, money and also posting times. Display the ability to execute common economic and banking assignments. This subject area describes 30% of the C_TB1200_10 pdf exam.



Implementation (30%)> 12%

Describe how to utilize the instruments supplied in the Implementation Center and in SAP’s execution procedure to execute a successful implementation assignment.

Present the capacity to put up and configure a new SAP Business One business, including initialization parameters, customization instruments, cockpit analytics, user settings and verification. Explain adherence with the SAP supervision policy. This subject area describes 30% of the C_TB1200_10 certification exam.




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