C_HCADM_01 certification – SAP HANA Cloud Provisioning and Administration exam demonstrates that the prospect maintains the mandatory and also crucial details in SAP HANA Cloud QRC03/2021 for the profile of an SAP HANA technology counselor.
This C_HCADM_01 questions create the fundamental understanding of corresponding SAP HANA Cloud training.
It is preferably refined by applicable experience within an SAP HANA Cloud project group, whereby the consultant applies the acquired learning practically in assignments.
Furthermore, the C_HCADM_01 exam – SAP HANA Cloud Provisioning and Administration certification ascertains that the contender understands to deploy, boost, and also configure an SAP HANA Cloud database demanded by the profile of an SAP HANA Cloud technology counselor.
Please see below the complete list of topics contained within the C_HCADM_01 dumps – SAP HANA Cloud Provisioning and Administration exam pdf . We are also not responsible for their availability or accuracy, for the team is going to supply regular updates on the content of the exam (topics, dump, PDF, documents.).
SAP HANA Cloud administration basics> 12%
Opening into SAP BTP, getting initiated with SAP HANA Cloud.
Provision an SAP HANA Cloud instance> 12%
Also produce a SAP HANA Cloud database example in the SAP Business Technology Platform preparation account.
SAP HANA cockpit for SAP HANA Cloud> 12%
Manage the SAP HANA database utilizing the SAP HANA Cockpit supplied in the SAP C_HCADM_01 exam Business Technology Platform.
Manage an SAP HANA Cloud database instance> 12%
Complete the database maintanance charges start, control, boost or delete database on the SAP C_HCADM_01 certification HANA Cloud database.
Security and User Management> 12%
Start SAP HANA Cloud database user reports, assignment roles, and also auditing procedures.
Set up an SAP BTP trial account8% – 12%
In addition, put up a SAP Business Technology Platform trial account for SAP C_HCADM_01 pdf HANA Cloud.
SAP HANA database explorer for SAP HANA Cloud8% – 12%
Also explore the database traces operating SAP HANA Database Explorer in the SAP Business Technology Website.